Nutrition & Holistic Health

The day I returned from inpatient therapy, my Lab-Chow mix cuddled up to me on the bed as I cried. She looked into my defeated gaze and licked my tears. I was astounded that this creature was capable of the empathy that I so craved in my closest friends and relatives. It was like she...
Practicing yoga relieves symptoms of depression and anxiety, according to a flurry of studies on the topic. Yoga research suggests that the practice improves mood, decreases anxiety, and regulates sleep much like common types of antidepressants and psychotherapy. As yoga has become more and more popular around the world, different kinds of practices have developed,...
I’ve always known that I climb out of any pool a lot happier than when I dove in. Yes, I know any kind of aerobic exercise relieves depression. For starters, it stimulates brain chemicals that foster the growth of nerve cells; exercise also affects neurotransmitters such as serotonin that influence mood and produces ANP, a...
New York Times reporter Benedict Carey referred to tears in a recent piece as “emotional perspiration.” Given that I sweat a lot and hate deodorant, I suppose it makes sense that I weep often. But I’m not going to apologize for that, because after a good cry, I always feel cleansed, like my heart and...
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Therese Borchard
I am a writer and chaplain trying to live a simple life in Annapolis, Maryland.

More about me...




February 23, 2024
November 24, 2023
Everything Is Grace: Cultivating Gratitude From a Greater Altitude
June 11, 2023
Do One Thing Every Day That Scares You
May 20, 2023
Please Let Me Cry
February 16, 2023
Love Being Loving