First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt often gets credit for the line, “Do one thing every day that scares you.” The correct attribution may go to Chicago Tribune columnist Mary Schmich who used that line in a graduation speech she penned for young students. Included in her list of advice was: Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts. Don’t put up...
This week I am leading a discussion at a senior community on ways to battle the winter blues. Here are some of my talking points. We’ve officially entered the hard months, the “dark ages” as the midshipmen at the Naval Academy say: the time of the year when the sun disappears and the pale complexions...
Mindfulness and meditation aren’t easy for anyone. Whenever we dim the lights and sit in Indian style, there is a core part of our primitive brain that rebels like a hyper puppy in a choke collar: “Don’t do that to me! You know I need to roam!” But for professional ruminators such as myself, meditation...
When you first hear the word “grounding,” you may think of espresso beans, but sadly the term has nothing to do with Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks. It simply means activities that connect you to the surface of the earth, like walking barefoot in the grass. The purpose of this is to be in contact with...
Three years ago I began to have problems with my concentration and memory. A veritable Goldilocks, I went from one physician to another seeking the solution. Each had a different explanation, of course, some more alarming than others. A few said I didn’t have a condition at all — that my symptoms simply aligned with...