If you’ve been reading my blog for a month or more, you know that I have found nutrition to be a powerful force in my recovery from depression. Since 2008, I haven’t responded to medications or have had only a minimal, partial response, so I have been on a mission–for myself and for the millions of other people with treatment-resistant depression–to find other, non-pharmaceutical ways to lift debilitating depression.
Recently I have been following the research of Julia J. Rucklidge, Ph.D., Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand, who conducts compelling studies using micronutrients—vitamins and minerals in small quantities—to treat depression and other serious mood disorders. You can check out her research as part of the work conducted by the Mental Health and Nutrition Research Group, and she writes a blog with Bonnie J. Kaplan for Mad in America. She recently delivered a fascinating TEDx talk about the role of nutrition in treating mental illness. I interview her here so that she can share her research with you.
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