Knowing when to commit yourself or a loved one to the hospital to be treated for severe depression can be a very gray matter. I wish there was a set of directions much like those when you are in labor: if contractions come within five minutes of each other and last a minute long, pack your bags. Some physicians will make the decision for you, but usually it is up to you. Here are few guidelines.
1. When you are in danger of hurting yourself or someone else.
If you are very suicidal and have gone as far as making plans, you should be in a safe place where you don’t have to rely on sheer willpower, because all of us who have experienced severe depression know that will power eventually caves. The pain is just too intense. Likewise if you are with young children or other people you could harm in a fit of rage, if you don’t have full control over your emotions, you should admit yourself into the hospital.
2. When you need to be treated aggressively.
You can be treated more aggressively in the hospital because of the close monitoring. Your doctor can change meds–try new combinations, etc.—in a fashion that would take weeks or even months with outpatient care. Because the support staff offers round-the-clock care, any unfavorable reactions of drugs are caught immediately. This can give your recovery a much-needed jumpstart.
3. When you need ECT treatments.
Electroconvulsive therapy is a form of neurostimulation therapy that has a high success rate for treating persons with severe and chronic cases of depression, especially those that have failed to respond to medication and psychotherapy. ECT involves applying electrical pulses to the scalp to induce seizures throughout the brain while a person is under general anesthesia. The procedure is usually performed inpatient because you can recover from the anesthesia in a safe environment and your doctor can closely monitor your progress.
4. When you can’t function.
If you can’t stop sobbing at work, in front of your kids, and have little control over your emotions, in general, you should consider hospitalization. If you can’t eat or sleep, shower or get dressed, the bare minimum tasks of functioning as an independent human being, you may be better off in a place where people can care for you.
Originally published on Sanity Break at
I wish more could be done at those moments for our loved ones. Great information, thank you.
Thank you.
I was up all night worried about our daughter who suffers from depression. She is single mom of a new born in denial she needs help. She is accusing us for caused her illness & has broken all contact with the family. Her closest friend has unfriended her. I am sure with the bad weather this must be even worse. Beside loving & praying what can we do for our daughter who refuses our help?
I’m so sorry about your daughter. I think loving and praying are the most important things you can do. I also wrote this article on how to help someone with denial. Peace, Therese
Thank you. Unfortunately our daughter is not talking to us. Her best friend who she trusted & loved more than her family has been unfriended. It’s tragic there are no laws parents can reach out to help adult children. Facebook & Texting friends don’t love the way parents do yet we are the ones discarded. Depression & mental illness should be taught in high school just like drivers Ed. Cutting off parents is not always the answer.
How interesting your post should come today. We have been dealing with a suicidal nephew for the past week.Got him in to a therapist who said that ordinarly he would’ve called the police and had him involuntarily admitted to the hospital but it wouldn’t do any good because he wasn’t willing to work on his issues. As of today he is staying with his brother who says he’s cried “wolf” many times in the past. We’ve all done our best and we’ve all wondered if we should have called the police. He is on medication now but don’t know if he will continue. I can agree that this is a very gray area and each situation is unique. My heart goes out to anyone who has been in this position. It isn’t easy.