Roses From Heaven: The Power of Signs


I was in fifth grade when I learned the power of heavenly signs.

My parents had just separated and my mother was despondent. She was praying a novena to St. Therese the Little Flower, whom I am named after. Tradition holds that on the fifth day of the novena, the person praying will receive a shower of roses.

Monet in the kitchen

On this day, our neighbor, Mr. Miller, who kept an impeccable garden, was pruning his rose bushes. As he trimmed off the blossomed flowers to make room for the tender buds, he noticed my twin sister playing soccer in the backyard.

“Give these to your mom,” he said, handing her at least eight dozen stunning roses in vibrant shades of sapphire, indigo, daffodil, primrose, and coral, most of the petals perfectly formed and having just opened. With the determination and skill of an artist, my sister went back and forth, from his garden to our kitchen, arranging all the roses until she ran out of vases and counter space, making the place resemble a Monet painting.

My mom dragged herself into the kitchen from the garage that evening, distraught and forlorn as she was so much of the time the year my dad left—the pangs of separation visible on her face—to find what looked and smelled like a heavenly rose garden.

I’ll never forget the tears of hope she cried when she remembered it was the fifth day of her novena.

Petals of reassurance

I have prayed the novena many times in my life, or asked St. Therese for a rose, a sign that I would be okay.

I prayed it my senior year in high school, when I knew that I should quit drinking, but was scared to death to pledge a life of sobriety. On the fifth day of my novena, there was a knock at the door. A man stood in front of me with a bouquet of three beautiful red roses. On the card was written the last stanza of “The Rose”: “Just remember in the winter, far beneath the winter snows, lies the seed that with the sun’s love in the spring becomes the rose.” My high school religion teacher sent them to me, unaware of my prayers.

Then there was the time three weeks before my wedding. I was besieged with anxiety. Choosing a major was difficult for me, let alone committing to another human being for the rest of my life. Again, I prayed for guidance. My mom called a few days later to tell me that the rose bush that I had given to her and my stepfather three years ago, which had only produced two buds over the years, was a heavenly site with over 200 blossoms. At our wedding, the guests tossed those very petals in the air as Eric and I left the chapel.

More recently, when I was looking for a job and was frustrated by the process, I prayed for some heavenly assistance. A few days later, a former editor of mine, Rose, sent me an email wondering if I would be interested in an editing job.

Roses of hope

It was with very wet eyes, then, that I sang the lyrics to “The Rose,” at the retreat my husband and I participated in this last weekend. As I’ve mentioned in past posts, the last few months have been a difficult season in our marriage, and I had been praying for some consolation, a sign that things would work out. When we entered the conference room on Friday night, I found roses on all the tables. Roses were printed on the handouts. And, as a closing song, we sang “The Rose”:

Some say love, it is a river that drowns the tender reed.

Some say love, it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed.

Some say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need.

I say love, it is a flower, and you its only seed.


It’s the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance.

It’s the dream afraid of waking, that never takes the chance.

It’s the one who won’t be taken, who cannot seem to give.

And the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live.


When the night has been too lonely, and the road has been too long,

And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong,

Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows,

Lies the seed that with the sun’s love, in the spring becomes the rose.

I believe in signs

I realize many people might categorize my rose stories as a symptom of neurosis. Some would say that my interpretation of these life events are a desperate means to assign meaning to things that are just random coincidences. A prior therapist looked at me suspiciously and scribbled in her pad whenever I connected various symbols to God, the saints, deceased loved ones, or a world beyond ours. However, I am strong believer in signs and rely on them as a spiritual compass, to provide that extra reassurance when making hard decisions and to help direct my path in times of confusion.

Heavenly signs give me hope and consolation and assure me that I’m not alone. They remind me that there is always light in darkness, and that “far beneath the bitter snows lies the seed that with the sun’s love, in the spring becomes the rose.”

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Therese Borchard
I am a writer and chaplain trying to live a simple life in Annapolis, Maryland.

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15 Responses
  1. Lynn Marie Ward

    My favorite post of yours to date! I see signs and symbols frequently. Especially the HAWK, which I feel is a sign from God himself. I’ve shared this post with my friends. So good. I’ve always loved that song, as well.

  2. Kathryn Clare, IHM

    I, too, have had signs of roses from St Therese when I have done a Novena. It’s the reason I went to France one year… a patient named Therese once brought me a beautiful bouquet of roses the time I was struggling with my son’s substance use disorder. There are signs of Orange from my Dad when I need comfort. “GOD is great, Sabu.” ???

  3. Hyla

    Hey there, your rose stories are real, yes, no coincidences ever. What a blessing you received and continue to receive! Spirit is always making their presence known. How fun is that?! Enjoy! Looks as if you have plenty of spirit in your “corner”!!!
    I’m jelly!!!!! ?

  4. Monica

    Thank you Therese for yet another beautiful sharing of your beautiful soul. You are so loved by so many who share your trials. The rose is sacred to me too.

  5. Kate

    Keep believing in those signs of God’s unfailing presence and love for you Therese. I find people who believe in nothing are far more neurotic. How sad for them. My prayer is never “God please be with me”. It’s become “God help me to recognize you everywhere” and He never fails to do so. God bless you.

  6. I loved this article! St. Therese is my favorite saint and has been since I was a little girl, and i’ve experienced her showers of roses as well. I’m a big believer in signs and so are most of the people I know, so don’t worry about anyone thinking you’re neurotic! xoxo

  7. Mary

    You give us a sign of hope with every new post you write. St. Therese of the Little Flower is my patron saint too. May you & your husband find peace and strength. Thank you again and I pray that in some way we are helping you too.

  8. Rose

    Thank you! Not more then four months ago we had some snow ( a bit actually). As I walked a trail with friends and dogs, I was so mindful of how beautiful the scenery was. My thoughts went back and forth from the conversation taking place to one that my deceased siblings and Mom might have had. I was reminiscing on early days of playing in the snow. Suddenly up from far above the branches I am being hit by falling snow! Standing walking with a group of people and dogs and no one else is hit by the falling masses of snow that were dropping from branches. I called out up into the skies Mom tell them to stop throwing snow balls! And just as I turn away another big clump lands on my head and shoulders! I declared. Snow ball fight from Heaven. And I announced that it was a sign that those who leave us never leave us behind. Im glad to know that I am not alone in the signs I know that are presented to give us faith and pushes when they are needed!

  9. Rosie

    Yes, I do believe in signs from above. In my case it is the feathers I find when I am asking my higher power for guidance or if I’m on the right path to where He wants me to be, and the Cardinals who frequently sit outside my kitchen window chirping, especially when I am missing a loved one. I love this article, and I love your honesty, always.

  10. Srmarykathleen

    I love your writings, Therese! Thank you for your many beautiful and practical advice on dealing with depression and anxiety. St. Therese is my favorite Saint. I’m reading Story of A Soul for the fifth time right now. 🙂 I believe in signs too. Nothing is a coincidence. God’s Plan is revealed in so many little and astonishing ways. Therese, I am a religious Sister and I so relate to your suffering with depression and anxiety. I often ask God: When will “it” end? My spiritual director told me I may have to battle this all my life. I like your idea of a gratitude journal…I will be on Retreat next week and will pray for you and your intentions. Keep smiling and writing. You are a beautiful and gifted daughter of God. I feel so kindred to you! Maybe someday I’ll get the opportunity to meet you in real life! 🙂 God bless you!

  11. Liz

    Thank you for sharing! I was searching on the internet for roses because about 30 years ago I read a book on near death. The women said she saw Heaven and it had Rose gardens with roses that actually sing praises to God. The roses where luminescent shining pure light. Since than I’ve realized that roses symbolize the Word of God. Today I’m looking for touch of God on a decision to buy a house in a village called the rose garden estate. I’m struggling to get a mortgage so I need a miracle to buy this house if it’s mine. Been dreaming of buying a home for 11 years but 6 years ago my husband died of cancer.

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