I met with a new doctor yesterday. I’ve been interviewing them like babysitters lately.
“Do you believe there is such a thing as a mood disorder?” I asked him.
“Yes,” he replied. “At least in language there is.”
“When and why did you decide to break from conventional medicine and practice a more holistic approach?
“Eight or nine years ago. I was tired of looking at the lists of medications people were taking. I couldn’t, in good conscience, prescribe meds to treat the side effects of other meds.”
“Do you believe that manic depressives should stay on their medicine or wean off all synthetic drugs?”
“I think if you’ve had a truly manic experience, it can be dangerous to start weaning off. Each person is different.”
He passed my test. More or less.
This guy is a holistic MD with a license in internal medicine, which means he will prescribe for me the Nature-Thyroid medicine that makes me think more clearly and gives me more energy, but that conventional doctors dismiss as mashed-up animal parts that have no data supporting success.
Thanks for turning me on to that book about the Serenity Prayer—the royal road to health. You are so courageous and such a good writer.