My Post Featured on Yahoo!


me on a bad dayMy post, “Dear Friend, This Is Depression” is featured on Yahoo Health! 

I wrote the following letter as a response to a conversation with a friend I have known since college. She wondered why I used the term “death thoughts” in my writing. But I wanted to publish it for all of the people closest to me, who have never seen me wail from the hollow place in my heart or throw things across the room in rage of this illness. I am writing it for my friends and relatives who wonder why I choose the words I do, if I’m exercising a creative license to keep a reader’s attention. This year my purpose has been made clear — to help people who are tormented by constant death thoughts, just as I am. This will mean rejection from those closest to me who cannot understand what I mean or why I would disclose such ugliness to the public. But it also means I have tapped into the freedom to do what I was born to do.

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Therese Borchard
I am a writer and chaplain trying to live a simple life in Annapolis, Maryland.

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10 Responses
  1. Debra Martin

    You are a pioneering woman. I’m blessed by your gentle honesty and humble acceptance of the the depression card draw. It really sucks and I get it.

  2. Therese,

    Your witness is authentic, authoritative, unashamed, arresting, and personal. You speak not only for yourself, but are an example, articulate advocate, passionate guide, and inspiration for so many silent sufferers.

    Perhaps most remarkable, you have built and continue to nurture a lively forum connecting thousands of individuals from around the world to share their stories, support each other, and rekindle hope for a brighter tomorrow.

    Other prominent experts have come out and exposed their own MI, at great risk to themselves and their careers, but you are accessible, vulnerable, and readily sacrifice so much to share your tears and personally touch the lives of others.

    I am indescribably grateful for your positive influence on my life. Thank God that He lead me to discover you at an especially bleak and difficult time in my life, and to envision hope for each day and better tomorrows. By His grace and forgiveness, through your hands and heart and others, I may once again experience His gift of joy. Amen.


  3. You can only help those wishing to be helped. This in itself is enormous! If you decided to ‘shut up shop’ now you would’ve helped thousands. Even hundreds of thousands!

  4. wow the only way can be total honesty and thats what you have done. Congratulation. I came across your blog by accident but will for sure be around here more.