A new study from Ohio State University and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in Spain, and published in Psychological Study found that when a person writes an unwanted thought down on paper and throws the paper away, he or she mentally discards the thought. Conversely, when a person writes down a thought and puts the paper in his or...
Knowing when to commit yourself or a loved one to the hospital to be treated for severe depression can be a very gray matter. I wish there was a set of directions much like those when you are in labor: if contractions come within five minutes of each other and last a minute long, pack...
According to Mental Health America, depression is as costly to the US economy as heart disease or AIDS, costing over $51 billion in absenteeism from work and lost productivity. The average lost time at work due to depression is approximately 172 million days yearly. Staying productive at work is undoubtedly among the most challenging components...
I’m usually pretty good at hiding my tears from my kids, but lately I’ve been busted a few times because they come so frequently and don’t go away. How do I respond when my grade-schoolers ask me why I’ve been crying? How do I explain this insidious illness to them? Two years ago I wrote...
Depression affects approximately 6 million men in the U.S.; however, many more suffer silently. The symptoms of male depression are often difficult to diagnose because they vary considerably from women’s symptoms, or what we think of as “classic” depressive symptoms. The confusion compounded by the misconception of depression as a women’s illness impedes many men...