Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “Do one thing every day that scares you.” I’m thinking today takes care of at least a month of those.
I have decided not to continue my blog, Beyond Blue, past the month of April. I have thought and prayed and thought and prayed some more, and come to the decision that seven years is a good biblical number at which to stop and change directions.
So April 29 will be my last post.
I have set up my own blog here at thereseborchardblog.com. It’s a hub for all my writing – links to blogs, articles, and galleries on different sites, some archives, and a few inspirational and personal posts that aren’t fitting on other sites.
I will be writing my blog Sanity Break, on Everyday Health; I will be contributing to Psych Central run by the talented and tech savvy John Grohol, writing for his award-winning blog, A World of Psychology; And I will also be continuing to write for Beliefnet – crafting galleries on a host of topics.
This isn’t my good-bye post, so I will refrain from getting all gushy here. I just wanted to let you know exactly where I am since I have always tried to be very honest with you with regard to where I am at the given moment.
Thank you, as always, for all your support.
I just discovered your site and news on the new directions – good luck – I have not overcome my MH challenges and am not coping well and have a lot of challenges ahead – losing housing, trying to find a “job” – a year of unemployment and counting – the list goes on and on. It’s hard to do all the right things at once, when you’ve spent the better part of the last three months in bed with depression. Glad to have the reinforcement and advice here..
I just “discovered” you and downloaded your book to my Kindle a day or so ago. Today was so bad that I reached out to my doctor because I know I need a med change. As I was waiting I began your book and was crying when my wonderful doc came into the room. She changed my medication and now I know where to find you. Thank you, Theresa; you’re a much needed light in my world.
Thank you so much, Tina. I will keep you in my prayers.
I just read your book, Beyond Blue. Page 210 angered me and I lost all respect for you as a fellow sufferer and compassionate human being.
I have suffered from depression, anxiety and bouts of dissociation for years. (Years of sexual, physical and satanic rituals growing up) I tried suicide once at 17, was headed for the rooftop to jump at 28, but someone at the hospital stopped me.
I raised two children (who were the best thing that this Universe sent me) mostly alone. Dedpite me, they turned out to be awesome human beings; kind, compassionate, giving, smart and love (d) me deeply.
Five years ago I developed hyperparathytoid disease which lead to bone deterioration and a lot of pain. Then 3.5 years ago I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. I no longer have a vital organ which plays a large role in the way our brain works. I was overdosed on Levothyroxine by my doctor and ended up in the ER, then off to inpatient again. It took 2 years to get stable, so I know sbout the different medication combinations. I lost count.
Then, just as my son and I were buying a new house together, and we were both in a good place, with hopes for the future…I woke to find him dead!!! (Pneumonia) The day of his doctors appointment.
Depressed? Suicidal? Anxious? All of the above. Guess where I ended up? I “joined the group of regulars, the real crazies that were on disability because they couldn’t handle any kind of responsibility or job.” (I worked full time to raise my kids without a husband who had my back)
That was 1.5 years ago. I fight every hour of every day to keep from joining my beautiful, brave and loving son. I hurt all over everyday. I cry every day. I have nightmares. There is no medication for this. I won’t be happy again. I won’t have hopes and dreams anymore. I live on only for my daughter and grandson. And, truth be told, I don’t know if I can do it much longer.
Now, with that said…I don’t respect you. You obviously think you are better than “the real crazies.”
Dear Joanne, I came across this blog when I was looking for an article about the healing power of tears.
I am so, so sorry for all you have gone through. I want you to know that God loves you with an everlasting love. He sees all your tears and he knows ALL your fears. You are loved beyond measure. My prayer for you is that you will let God carry you through this time in your life. He wants to, and He will. I know it’s easy for me to say and I haven’t lived through what you’re going through, but I do KNOW that God loves you and cares about every detail of your life. I hope you will be able to let God have your cares. He’s always ready and listening. Just talk to him.
I just found your blog which you stopped a year ago apparently. I have not yet read your book Beyone Blue. I see here a reader who disagreed with you. Let me say this: When in the mental hospital being given the wrong drugs, God was dead to me. That was not the time to talk of God.
There is something I’d like to share with you. I don’t know if you’ll get this message. I wrote a book about how prozac gave me lupus and the mistakes made in the mental hospital. I was hoping you might take a look at where I listed it, https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/little-porcupine-goes-to-the-psyche-ward–2/x/9701346 and maybe you could share this information with your friends ??? At this site I have a video and several paragraphs explaining the plot, themes and motivation for this graphic novel.
Thanks for your time and attention.
Frances Dale author Little Porcupine Goes to the Psyche Ward
Has it been so long since I followed your blog?! I have heard your name mentioned from time to time and was always excited. I came today because I’m hurting and need help. But instead of feeling disappointed the blog as it was is no more, I’m happy for you. Happy that you were able to make a good decision for you after much prayer. Years ago … could you have begun to imagine getting to the point of writing for the purpose of sharing? …. All the people who follow you and your insights. In all that you have been for those of us who are beyond blue, and for all you continue to be, I hope you find blessing in this as opposed to a duty or burdensome responsibility.
The Little Ways in which you have helped us have had Great impact. Thank you.