Share Your HSP Success Story


This invitation is from Ted Zeff, Ph.D.:

I’m excited to let you know of a new book that I am writing which will help you thrive as an HSP entitled The Empowered Highly Sensitive Person: Stories of HSPs Successfully Coping in a Non-HSP World.

I would like to offer you the opportunity to share your story how you or your sensitive child successfully coped with a challenging situation in your life in a society that discriminates against the trait of sensitivity. Please feel free to share your success story about any of the following topics or in any area that may not be included below:

Your job, marriage and children, dating, friendships, going out to restaurants, movies and parties, dealing with illness, noise, diet, exercise, sleep, school, bullying, parents, siblings, pets, family gatherings, travel, crowds, religious institutions, your sensitive child at school, with peers and in the family.

Your story will be anonymous and we ask you to keep the story to a maximum of one page.

To submit your story, please click

You have the opportunity to help tens of thousands of other highly sensitive people by sharing your successful coping strategies.

Thank you,

Ted Zeff, Ph.D.

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Therese Borchard
I am a writer and chaplain trying to live a simple life in Annapolis, Maryland.

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