I loved the post by Dr. Eliva G. Aletta on PsychCentral.com about crying. I find it comforting to hear a shrink say that she cries too. (I thought they were immune?) Elvira gives us some history on her philosophy on weeping …
Flashback to sixteen years old when I was desparately trying to get my Dad to understand why I was so angry with him. Today I can’t tell you what I was upset about. What sticks with me is the ‘Aha’ moment when my Dad told me to Stop Crying. Totally frustrated I said, “I cry, that’s what I do. Please just listen to what I’m saying.” And miracle of miracles, he did.
What I learned from this episode:
* I was done apologizing for my tears. Growing up I was constantly told crying was a weakness and to cut it out. Well, to hell with that.
* Crying has its cathartic quality but sometimes it can also be more of a reflex of the fight or flight variety, like shortness of breath or an increased heart rate.
* Some of us have a low tearfulness threshold and those who don’t have to put up with us and love us anyway.
To continue reading her post, click here.
Originally published on Beyond Blue at Beliefnet.com