You’re worried about X, Y, and Z. You obsess about them for hours every day, maybe for weeks. How do you know whether this is typical worrying, a normal way of processing something that’s important to you, or if you have generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)? Karen Swartz, M.D., the Director of Clinical Programs at the...
I stare at a blank page and can think of nothing to say. My anxiety grows. With every minute that passes devoid of inspiration, I panic. My breath speeds up and I can feel my amygdala, the fear center within my brain, getting ready to send out invites to a party. I am overwhelmed and frustrated. I feel...
In a prior blog, I listed some symptoms of panic and a few techniques that have helped me cope, whether I am in the midst of a full-blown panic attack or experiencing some fleeting anxiety. Here are five more ways I deal with my worrying brain: 1. Unravel the Worry Web Panic and anxiety are successful...
I was two miles away from shore with two and a half more to swim before I reached the other side. I stopped for a second, treaded water and said to myself, “I’m going to die. And I’m NEVER doing this again.” I was just one of 569 other swimmers participating in a 4.4 mile...
I’ve long been interested in the connection between mental health and addiction because the worlds of recovery are so similar and yet so different. One of my biggest frustrations in addiction recovery circles is the lack of awareness of mental health–especially the physiological nature that threatens lives. And many depressed folks don’t take seriously enough...