
March 2014
As much stigma as there lives in American homes regarding mental illness, it’s much worse in other countries. Gayathri Ramprasad grew up in Bangalore, India, where traditional Hindu culture has no concept of depression. There was no doctor to diagnose her anxiety disorder as an adolescent girl nor medicine to treat the condition. Now, as...
A good friend of mine recently considered applying for an executive position at her marketing firm, a step up the managerial ladder from her job. The position paid a higher salary but would require some late nights, weekend work, and would involve more of the administrative tedium that bored her to death. She procrastinated completing...
Grief and depression share similar symptoms: sadness, tears, lack of appetite, difficulty sleeping. It is easy to mistake one for the other. When people experience major upheavels–such as the death of a loved one or pet, a move to a different community, or dealing with a life-threatening illness in a loved one or yourself—it is...
Awhile back I mentioned a few strategies that help me be productive at work. Everyday Health’s Madeline Vann names 8 Career Success Strategies for Bipolar Disorder in a recent feature. I excerpted from her piece below: 1. Set Up Some Structure “Ideally a very structured work environment would go a long way to preventing stressors,” says...
I need all the pep talks I can get. The following are my favorite quotes on courage. Courage is not the absence of despair; it is, rather, the capacity to move ahead in spite of despair. –Rollo May You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear...
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Therese Borchard
I am a writer and chaplain trying to live a simple life in Annapolis, Maryland.

More about me...




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